601-649 Escuela Avenue and 1873 Latham Street, PL2024-011, APNs 154-35-013 & 154-35-014
Recommended Action
Request for permit extension for a Planned Community Permit, Development Review Permit, and Provisional Use Permit to construct a 3-story, mixed-use project with rooftop amenities consisting of 25 residential apartment units, 2,400 square feet of ground-floor commercial, and one level of underground parking, replacing an existing 6,075 square-foot commercial building and a single-family residence on a 0.45-acre project site; and a determination that the project has an existing adopted Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines. This project is located on the southeast corner of Escuela Avenue and Latham Street in the P-38 (El Camino Real) Precise Plan.
Project Manager: Edgar Maravilla