Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/25/2021 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Video Conference with No Physical Meeting Location
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 5.25.2021 Correspondence Batch 1.pdf, May 25, 2021 Council Questions.pdf, 5.25.21 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, 5.25.2021 Correspondence Batch 3.pdf, 5.25.2021 Correspondence Batch 4.pdf
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
201144 2.1Closed SessionConference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code Section 54957.6) - Agency Designated Representatives: City of Mountain View Assistant City Manager Audrey Seymour Ramberg, Human Resources Director Sue Rush and Charles Sakai - Sloan Sakai Yeung and Wong LLP; Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 521; the EAGLES Association; the Police Officers Association (POA); the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), Local 1965; Unrepresented Fire Managers; Unrepresented Police Managers; Unrepresented Department Heads and Council Appointees; Unrepresented Confidential Employees; and Unrepresented Hourly Employees  Action details Not available
200687 3.1Study SessionRecommended Fiscal Year 2021-22 through Fiscal Year 2025-26 Capital Improvement Program  Action details Not available
201106 3.1PresentationMidpeninsula Regional Open Space District Update  Action details Not available
200912 3.2PresentationRecognition of Outgoing Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Members  Action details Not available
200927 3.3PresentationCOVID-19 Update by City Manager Kimbra McCarthy  Action details Not available
201134 4.1Consent CalendarApprove Minutes  Action details Not available
200459 4.2Consent CalendarShoreline Maintenance Storage Plan, Project 14-34-Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Bidding  Action details Not available
200949 4.3Consent CalendarDowntown Business Improvement Area Transition  Action details Not available
201094 4.4Consent CalendarRequest for Alternative Mitigation to Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance for 660 Mariposa Avenue  Action details Not available
201113 4.5Consent CalendarNotice of Intention to Vacate Public Easements at 400 Logue Avenue  Action details Not available
201114 4.6Consent CalendarFinal Map Approval, Tract No. 10554, 1555 West Middlefield Road  Action details Not available
201140 4.7Consent CalendarFunding Close of Escrow-Plymouth Street Realignment Properties  Action details Not available
201143 4.8Consent CalendarAccessMV: Comprehensive Modal Plan  Action details Not available
201159 4.9Consent CalendarDeclaration of Vacant Seat on the Senior Advisory Committee  Action details Not available
201164 4.10Consent CalendarSupport for the Principles of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income Initiative and Support Basic Income, a Cash-Based Pilot Programvoted Action details Not available
200700 6.1Public Hearing2020 Urban Water Management Plan and Water Shortage Contingency Planvoted Action details Not available
200623 6.2Public HearingFour-Unit Residential Project at 773 Cuesta Drivevoted Action details Not available
200953 7.1New BusinessProhibition of Smoking in Multi-Unit Residencesvoted Action details Not available