City of Mountain View  
Development Review Committee  
Wednesday, December 6, 2023  
2:00 PM  
Plaza Conference Room, 500 Castro St., Mountain  
View, CA 94041  
This meeting is being conducted with a virtual component. Anyone wishing to address the Development Review  
Committee (DRC) virtually may join the meeting at:  
ID: 858 7952 2790  
When the DRC Chair announces the item on which you wish to speak, click on the "raise hand" feature in Zoom or dial *9  
on your phone. When the DRC Chair calls your name to provide public comment, if you are participating via phone,  
please press *6 to unmute yourself.  
Review and approve the Development Review Committee Meeting Dates for year 2024  
Project Planner: Rebecca Shapiro  
Request for a Planned Community Permit, Development Review Permit and Historic  
Preservation Permit to construct a three-story, 5,694 square foot building addition to an  
existing two-story, 7,608 square foot historic building containing ground-floor  
restaurant and upper floor office uses, replacing an existing outdoor patio, on a  
0.14-acre site. This project is located on the northwest corner of Castro Street and Villa  
Street in the P-19 (Downtown) Precise Plan.  
Project Planner: Jeffrey Tsumura  
How the Development Review Process Works  
The Development Review Committee (DRC) is made up of professional architects chaired by the Deputy Zoning Administrator, who reviews proposed large and small  
planning applications. The DRC reviews the site and architectural design of projects to determine whether they are in accordance with the General Plan, specific  
plans, the Zoning Ordinance, and other City Code requirements and will be compatible with the site and surrounding developments to ensure the orderly and  
harmonious growth of the City.  
In reviewing projects to determine whether they are compatible with the site, the DRC evaluates existing site conditions, including, but not limited to, the location of  
existing trees and structures and environmental conditions to determine how best to site a project. To determine if a project will be compatible with surrounding  
developments, the DRC evaluates the siting of the project as it relates to the character of the neighborhood context and the street, the massing of the building  
structure, and the architectural style and detailing. The DRC takes a proactive, hands-on approach to find appropriate design solutions to create the best possible  
project for the site.  
The DRC makes design recommendations to the Zoning Administrator regarding the site plan and architecture for projects requiring a Planned Unit Development,  
Planned Community Permit, or Development Review Permit.  
At the meeting, the applicant will be asked to make a brief presentation on the proposal. Comments from the public shall be heard after the architect’s presentation  
and prior to the DRC making a recommendation.  
Interested parties may view the agenda and project plans online at:  