City of Mountain View  
Rental Housing Committee  
Saturday, October 21, 2023  
11:00 AM  
Michaels Restaurant, 2940 North Shoreline Blvd.,  
Mountain View, CA 94043  
Special Meeting  
Facilitated Rental Housing Committee Team-Building Session  
Engage in facilitated dialog amongst Rental Housing Committee members regarding roles and  
responsibilities, norms for working together, staff and the public  
The agenda, reports, and any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rental Housing Committee regarding any item on this  
viewed at City Hall, 500 Castro Street, the City Clerk's Office, 500 Castro Street, Third Floor and at the Mountain View Library, 585 Franklin  
Street, beginning Thursday, prior to Monday Rental Housing Committee meetings. Printed copies of the agenda, reports, and any writings  
or documents already provided to a majority of the Committee regarding any item on this agenda may be requested at the Rent Stabilization  
Program during normal business hours.  
The Committee may consider and act on items listed on the agenda in any order and thus those interested in an item listed on the agenda  
are advised to be present throughout the meeting. In the event it appears that the entire agenda cannot be completed by the time of  
adjournment, the Committee may take up and act upon the more pressing agenda items. All agenda items not considered at the meeting  
shall be on the agenda of the next regular, special, or adjourned regular meeting unless the Committee directs otherwise.  
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Rent Stabilization  
Program at (650) 903-6136 or by email at 48 hours prior to the meeting so the City can make reasonable  
arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.160 (b) (1)). If you have a hearing or speech disability, please use the  
California Relay System at 711, TDD 650-967-0158 or 800-735-2929.  
The City of Mountain View does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, source of income,  
gender, gender expression or identity, or any other State or Federal protected class in any of its policies, procedures or practices. This  
nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, or treatment or employment in, the City of Mountain View programs and activities.  
For inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy, please contact the City's Section 504 Coordinator at  
or 650-903-6397.  
Computer-generated captioning of the Rental Housing Committee meeting is unedited and should neither be relied upon for complete  
accuracy nor used as a verbatim transcript.  
Email comments to by 10:00 a.m. on the meeting date. Emails will be received directly by the Rental Housing  
Committee. Please identify the Agenda item number in the subject line of your email. Requests to show an audio or video presentation  
during a Committee meeting should be directed to by 10:00 a.m. on the meeting date.  
Anyone wishing to address the Committee in person must complete a speaker card indicating the name you would like to be called by  
when it is your turn to speak and the item number on which you wish to speak. Please complete one speaker card for each item on which  
you wish to speak. Virtual and in-person speakers will be called in order as determined by the Chair.  
Pursuant to Regulation Chapter 3, an individual speaker shall have up to 3 minutes to address the Committee. For any agenda item or for  
Oral Communications on nonagenda items, if there appears to be a large number of speakers, the Chair may reduce speaking time to no  
less than 2 minutes per speaker unless there is an objection from the Committee by majority vote.  
If requested in advance of the public input portion of the agenda item to the Committee, a speaker who represents five or more members of  
the public in attendance may have up to 10 minutes to address the Committee, if the Chair determines that such extension will reduce the  
total number of speakers who planned to speak.  
The presiding officer may remove or cause the removal of any individual(s) for disrupting a meeting in accordance with California  
Government Code section 54957.95, as may be amended from time to time. In accordance with California Government Code section  
54957.9, as may be amended from time to time, the Committee may order a meeting room cleared and continue in session in the event a  
meeting is willfully interrupted by a group or groups of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of the meeting impossible, and order  
cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are disrupting the meeting.  
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.3(b)(1), at least twice the allotted speaking time will be provided to a member of the public  
who utilizes a translator.  
Submitted for approval by Andrea Kennedy  
RHC Approval on 11/13/2023