Shoreline Boulevard Pathway Improvements, Project 21-37
Associate Civil Engineer Kathryn Robertson, Principal Civil Engineer Robert Gonzales and Assistant Public
Works Director Ed Arango presented a report and answered the Commission's questions.
Speaking from the floor:
• Mr. Abrahamson
M/S Davis/Bryant - To forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the mitigation of
twenty-seven (27) Heritage trees at a 2:1 tree replacement ratio, with the planting of fifty-four (54) 24” box
trees within the project area with the caveat that staff reviews with the landscape architect the possibility of
increasing canopy shade at various locations over the pathway, of reviewing the screening of the Jackson
Street terminus and the possibility of retaining trees #68 and #70 even if a little grading has to be adjusted.
Vice Chair Sommer offered a friendly amendment to
1. Review the screening of the two residences between Villa and the Police Department
2. Add consideration for including the Coast Live Oak in the plant palette as a way to increase the canopy
and add screening in key locations.
Commissioners Davis and Bryant accepted the friendly amendment and the Commission voted on the motion
and friendly amendment.
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Commissioner Bryant, Commissioner Davis, Commissioner Mitchner, Vice Chair Sommer, and
Chair Filios
Fiscal Year 2023-24 Parks and Recreation Commission and Urban Forestry
Board Work Plan
Community Services Director Marchant presented a report and answered the Commission's questions.
M/S Davis/Bryant - To approve the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Parks and Recreation Commission and Urban
Forestry Board Work Plan to be forwarded to the City Council for approval.
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Commissioner Bryant, Commissioner Davis, Commissioner Mitchner, Vice Chair Sommer, and
Chair Filios
Community Services Department Master Plans Update
Recreation Manager Kristine Crosby provided an update on the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan.
Assistant Community Services Director Brenda Sylvia updated the Commission on the following:
• Castro Street Ped Mall
• Arbor Day and Earth Day events
• Shoreline events
Recreation Manager Kristine Crosby updated the Commission on the following:
• Recreation special events
• Summer camp staff training
Community Services Director John Marchant updated the Commission on the following:
• Recent City Council meeting item approvals