Bruce England commented that Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC) has a Google doc with suggested
requests for the Dana Street project up to Calderon. He stated that it was unclear to him, why the project
isn’t going all the way to Calderon, as there are issues all the way there, including the overpass. He
requested a speed reduction as part of this project or perhaps after the project. Lastly, on South Whisman
leading up to Dana, he requested prioritizing repairs to bike lanes.
Holger Isenberg indicated that he was in favor of improving Dana for non-car traffic and commented that he
did not expect the road diet and lane narrowing to reduce traffic because it is already low and that he is
hopeful that there will be less opposition to the project.
Committee comments:
Adamic indicated that the Complete Streets (CS) checklists looked fine, and she was grateful the City is
seeking funding for these important projects. She also suggested applying for a Caltrans Sustainable
Transportation Planning grant for the segment of Dana Street across SR 85 (west of project limits) and
suggested the City ask Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to add this segment to the Across Barrier
Connection (ABC) list. She also thanked Bruce for assembling feedback on the Dana Street Complete
Streets project. Fenwick stated her support for these comments.
Fenwick stated she is happy with the project and particularly liked the road diet. However, she thought the
project boundaries should be expanded to include the overpasses. She had no problems with the checklist.
Kuszmaul indicated that the CS checklists were fine. He also asked for a follow-up to ensure that the City
held itself accountable for implementing priorities listed in AccessMV, VZAP/LRSP, and ATP. He also asked
if the segment over 237 would require Caltrans coordination.
Barton agreed that the CS checklist looked fine. For the Dana Street CS project, he asked the project
elements to align to encourage the use of the paseo (in the Sylvan Park neighborhood).
Stone noted that conditions at Dana/Moorpark are confusing, and he suggested adding a roundabout at this
location. He also noted that the first segment of Whisman Road is uncomfortable for active transportation
and suggested adding it to the project.
Barton recused himself due to a real property interest. Lo then provided additional information on El Monte
Complete Streets Checklist.
No public comments.
Committee comments:
Fenwick noted that the project is very overdue and has been a long time coming. She indicated that the
project is urgently needed in response to the fatality on El Monte Avenue.
Adamic and Stone both indicated support for the CS checklist.
Kuszmaul reiterated that the CS checklist is fine and he is looking forward to seeing the project come to
Transportation Legislative Updates
Lo provided a presentation on updates from the 2024 California legislative session.
No public comments.
Committee comments:
Fenwick, Adamic, and Kuszmaul expressed appreciation for the update.