design. He asked what criteria would be used to evaluate the different vertical treatments and information on
how information would be utilized for the permanent facility.
Committee comment: (00:36:39)
All members of the BPAC expressed strong support for the project.
Fenwick appreciated the incorporation of prior feedback and felt the design would make this a more
comfortable street for walking, riding and driving. She noted that she has heard frequent complaints about
delivery vehicles blocking bike lanes, and most people will not call the Police to report this, so she wasn’t
sure this data could be used to assess vehicles blocking the bike lane.
Barton hoped that the project would be extended to San Antonio Road and that the permanent facilities
would establish a tree canopy. He also asked if truck parking will be evaluated and where delivery drivers will
park. Gonzales indicated that deliveries might occur in the ends of buffer zones or in the double left turn
Adamic was happy with the planned collection of turning movement data. She expressed concern about left
turns into Target and hoped the pilot would make this maneuver easier and safer. She hopes that the
evaluation of vertical treatments on California can be used elsewhere.
Kuszmaul asked if there would be tracking of bike lane blocking, such as at bus stops, and expressed
concern about this. He also noted that slip lanes and conflict zones remained at the Showers intersection,
and expressed concern about potential turning speed at unprotected intersections.
Stone noted that he observed double parking on California. He also noted a lack of curb ramps on the
northwest corner of Showers and asked if this would be addressed. He also requested a response on the
metrics and evaluation of different vertical elements. Gonzales indicated that the vertical element in the
permanent project would be concrete curbs, which could have additional elements on top of them. Feedback
on vertical treatments would be used to inform the design of future projects in other locations in the City.
Active Transportation Plan, Scoring Criteria
Whyte provided a presentation on the Active Transportation Plan scoring criteria.
Public comment: (01:32:00)
Chris Parry noted the goal of the project is to create a network suitable for people of all ages and abilities. He
stated that the Existing Conditions report noted that the pedestrian network is largely complete with some
obstacles, while the bicycle analysis indicated a collection of disjointed segments that are not a AAA
network He felt that this element should have higher points than 7.5 compared to a Biodiversity score of 10
Committee comment: (01:35:17)
BPAC members expressed frustration with the time it takes to complete projects. Adamic specifically noted
that so few of the prioritized projects from the Bicycle Transportation Plan have been completed in nine
Barton felt the recommended criteria expanded from the prior plan and is likely to capture corridors that were
omitted last time (such as Rengstorff and El Camino). Kuszmaul was more comfortable with the weighting
split of the criteria. Fenwick appreciated the hard work and felt that the point distribution was appropriate with
the modifications from the Active Transportation Plan Advisory Committee. Stone expressed support for the
recommended criteria recommended by staff after the Active Transportation Plan Advisory Committee input.
Fenwick stated that giving a score to projects with green elements allows the City to prioritize those