301, 309, 317, and 323 Moorpark Way and 301 Sylvan Avenue, Josh Vrotsos, PL-2023-204 and PL-2023-205; APN: 161-05-003, 161-05-004, 161-05-005, 161-05-006, and 161-05-007
Recommended Action
Request for a Development Review Permit and a Special Design Permit to remove an existing single-family home, a vacant private school, and a commercial building to construct 22 single-family homes, including a 38.75% Density Bonus, and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to remove 26 Heritage trees, a Vesting Tentative Map to combine five existing parcels and create 22 single-family residential lots and five common lots on a 2.51-acre project site; and a recommended determination that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (“In-Fill Development Projects") and Section 15302 (“Replacement or Reconstruction”) of the CEQA Guidelines. This project is located on the south side of Moorpark Way, at the intersection of Moorpark Way and Sylvan Ave in the R1-10sd (Single-Family Special Design Combining) Zoning District.
Project Manager: Hang Zhou