Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40-Professional Services Agreement
Recommended Action
1. Acting as the City Council and Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community, approve deferring the bus lane elements of the project scope for Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40, to be a later phase of the project.
2. Acting as the City Council and Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community, authorize the Community Manager and City Manager, or their respective designees to amend the professional services agreement with BKF Engineers, a California corporation (Entity No. 599256), for Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40, to add $600,000 for additional design services for a total not-to-exceed amount of $2,155,565. Approximately 71% of the total costs from preliminary engineering through construction for the Plymouth/Space Park Realignment project will be funded by the Shoreline Regional Park Community Fund.