Residential Development Project at 2645-2655 Fayette Drive (Builder’s Remedy)
Recommended Action
That the Environmental Planning Commission recommends the City Council:
1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Conditionally Approving a Planned Community Permit and Development Review Permit to Redevelop the Project Site by Removing Six Dwelling Units and a 6,900 Square Foot Commercial Building to Construct a Seven-Story, 70-Unit Condominium Development (20% Affordable) Above a Subterranean Parking Garage, a Provisional Use Permit for a Roof Deck, and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to Remove Nine Heritage Trees on a 0.67-Acre Project Site Located at 2645-2655 Fayette Drive, and Adopting an Addendum to the Previously Adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 2645-2655 Fayette Drive Residential Project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Exhibit 1 to the Staff Report).
2. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Conditionally Approving a Vesting Tentative Tract Map to Create a Single Lot for 70 Residential Condominium Units at 2645-2655 Fayette Drive, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Exhibit 2 to the Staff Report).