File #: 204273   
Type: Study Session Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 11/19/2024
Title: Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan Visioning Framework and Boundaries
Attachments: 1. Study Session Memo, 2. ATT 1 - 2030 General Plan Moffett Boulevard Change Area Policies, 3. ATT 2 - Housing Element Policy 1.1(g)(c), 4. ATT 3 - Summary of Visioning Workshop, Meetings, and Survey, 5. ATT 4 - Written Comments Received, 6. ATT 5 - Draft Precise Plan Visioning Framework


Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan Visioning Framework and Boundaries

Recommended Action

Review and provide recommendations on the Draft Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan Visioning Framework and consideration of inclusion of the properties at 500 West Middlefield Road, APN 158-50-001 through APN 158-50-193 (Willow Park Mountain View Homeowners Association residential condominiums, including the SFPUC property), 555 West Middlefield Road, APN 158-49-001 (AvalonBay Communities apartments), and 500 Moffett Boulevard, APN 153-24-021 (Shenandoah Square, a federally owned property, also known as 928 Mariner Drive) within the Precise Plan boundaries.