Approval of Purchase and Sales Agreements for Portions of Stierlin Road and Washington Alley.
Recommended Action
1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the County of Santa Clara for the purchase of 2,173 square feet of Washington Alley and 911 square feet of Stierlin Road at a sale price of $462,600.
2. Appropriate $462,600 from the Strategic Property Acquisition Reserve Fund for the purchase of the property. (Five votes required)
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Walter Berthold Kozourek and Renate Kozourek, co-trustees of The Kozourek Trust created by Declaration of Trust April 27, 1984, for the sale of 7,810 square feet of City right-of-way being portions of Stierlin Road and Washington Alley, including the lands to be acquired from the County, near the northwest corner of Moffett Boulevard and Central Expressway at a sale price of $1,171,500.