294-296 Tyrella Avenue, Forrest Linebarger for Tower Investment LLC, PL-2023-102 and PL-2023-103; APN: 160-32-001 and 160-32-002
Recommended Action
Request for a Development Review Permit, Heritage Tree Removal Permit, and Tentative Map to demolish an existing single family house to construct a seven-story, 80-unit residential condominium development (20% affordable) which includes three levels of a parking garage on a 0.48-acre project site; and a recommended determination that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines ("In-Fill Development Projects"). This project is located on the southwest corner of Tyrella Avenue and East Middlefield Road in the R3-1 (Multiple-Family Residential) district.
Project Manager: Krisha Penollar