Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center Replacement, Project 18-38-Various Actions
Recommended Action
1. Approve the Responsible Bidders List for the construction of the Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center Replacement, Project 18-38.
2. Approve plans and specifications for the construction of the Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center Replacement, Project 18-38, and authorize staff to solicit monetary bids from the approved Responsible Bidders List.
3. Appropriate and transfer $26,300,000 from the Park Land Dedication Fund (as detailed in Attachment 3 to the Council report) to the Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center Replacement, Design and Construction, Project 18-38, for a total project budget of $28,000,000. (Five votes required)
4. Authorize the City Manager or designee to award the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder if the bid is within the project budget.
5. Authorize the City Manager or designee to amend the existing professional services agreement with Griffin Structures, Inc., for an additional $150,000 to provide construction administration services for Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center Replacement, Project 18-38, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $860,000.