File #: 16-799   
Type: New Business Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 12/6/2016
Title: Consideration of Child-Care Center Contract Modifications.
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. ATT 1 - Child-Care Center Summary History, 3. ATT 2 - Child-Care Center at Community Center Complex, 4. ATT 3 - Agreement with Community Gatepath/Learning Links, 5. ATT 4 - Learning Links Enrollment Update for October 2016, 6. ATT 5 - Learning Links Req. to the City for Contract Modifications


Consideration of Child-Care Center Contract Modifications.

Recommended Action

Consider and approve a three-part recommendation for operator agreement modifications and budget direction for the City of Mountain View’s Child-Care Center:


1.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Child-Care Center operator agreement.


2.                     Appropriate $50,000 in the Child-Care Commitment Reserve (CCCR) to subsidize low-income child-care students during Fiscal Year 2016-17.  (Five votes required)


3.                     Direct the City Manager to include $100,000 in the CCCR in the Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 budget.