File #: 14-335   
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 10/28/2014
Title: Whisman Villas Residential Project (Antenna Farm).
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. ATT 1 - Initial Study; Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, 3. ATT 2 - Resolution for Precise Plan Amendments, 4. ATT 3 - Resolution for Planned Community Permit and Heritage Tree Removal Permit, 5. ATT 4 - Resolution for Tentative Subdivision Map, 6. ATT 5 - Draft Precise Plan Revisions, 7. ATT 6 - Project Plans, 8. ATT 7 - June 19, 2013 EPC Study Session Staff Report, 9. ATT 8 - October 1, 2014 EPC Public Hearing Staff Report, 10. ATT 9 - EPC Meeting Summary Minutes, 11. ATT 10 - VTA Comment Letter
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Whisman Villas Residential Project (Antenna Farm).
Recommended Action
1.      Approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Antenna Farm-Whisman Villas Residential Project (Attachment 1 to the Council report).
2.      Adopt a Resolution for Amendments to the Whisman Station Precise Plan to Allow Low-Density, Small-Lot, Single-Family Homes Where Medium-Density Rowhomes are Required at the Antenna Farm Site, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 2 to the Council report).
3.      Adopt a Resolution for a Planned Community Permit for 16 Small-Lot, Single-Family Homes and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit for the Removal of Two Heritage Trees at the Antenna Farm, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 3 to the Council report).
4.      Adopt a Resolution for a Tentative Subdivision Map for 16 Residential Lots and Four Common Lots for Private Streets and Open Space at the Antenna Farm Site, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 4 to the Council report).