Approve the Acquisition of Fee Title from a Portion of 917/943 North Shoreline Boulevard (APN: 153-16-045) for the Shoreline Boulevard Reversible Transit Lane Project, Project 18-47
Recommended Action
1. Approve the Acquisition of Fee Title, together with a Temporary Construction Easement, from a portion of 917/943 North Shoreline Boulevard (APN: 153-16-045), owned by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong, husband and wife, in the amount of $235,000, and dismissal of the eminent domain proceedings against the property once acquired.
2. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all documents and take all necessary actions related to the acquisition of fee title and a Temporary Construction Easement from portions of 917/943 North Shoreline Boulevard (APN: 153-16-045) for the Shoreline Boulevard Reversible Transit Lane Project, Project 18-47.