Fiscal Year 2021-22 Third Quarter Budget Status Report and Fiscal Year 2022-23 Preliminary General Operating Fund Forecast Update
Recommended Action
1. Acknowledge and file the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Third Quarter Budget Status Report and the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Preliminary General Operating Fund Forecast Update.
2. Appropriate $570,000 in the Liability Self-Insurance Fund for additional Insurance premiums. (Five votes required)
3. Appropriate $69,000 in the Finance and Administrative Services Department, Water Fund, for utility bill online payment processing costs. (Five votes required)
4. Authorize the Finance and Administrative Services Department to repurpose $120,000 in limited-period funding from the General Non-Operating Fund, previously approved for a Transient Occupancy Tax ballot measure study, to the Cost Allocation Plan and Fee Study project. (Five votes required)