Update on Initiatives to Assist Homeless and Unstably Housed Residents, and Consideration of Parking Enforcement Options.
Recommended Action
It is recommended that the Council:
1. Receive an update on short-term homeless initiatives.
2. Provide direction to staff to refine short-term programs to assist the homeless and unstably housed living in vehicles with appropriated funding ($230,000 of $250,000 total budgeted).
a. Rapid Rehousing Fund: Contract with the County to increase capacity to provide short-term financial assistance and support to quickly rehouse homeless households in their own independent permanent housing ($100,000).
b. Biohazard Waste Cleanup: Contract services to protect health and safety ($10,000).
c. Waste Dump Pilot: Supplemental funding required after bid process ($5,000).
d. Safe Parking Program Pilot: Support for new Mountain View nonprofit Lots of Love ($25,000 start-up to June 2018; $30,000 for Fiscal Year 2018-19).
e. RV/Vehicle Repair Funds: One-time contribution to existing Community Services Agency (CSA) fund initiated by concerned community members ($10,000).
f. Dignity on Wheels (DOW): Existing City funding is provided through the summer of 2018, and funding is recommended to extend the service through Fiscal Year 2018-19 ($20,000).
g. Towing Fees: Pilot program to assist in the towing of older vehicles with biohazard or hazardous material clean-up issues and excess traffic violations ($30,000).
h. Refine Rent Assistance Program: To increase the use of the Rent Assistance Program, it is recommended that the program be made more flexible to meet the needs seen by CSA. Including being available to households in the City who have experienced a reduction in income or loss of employment. (Reprogram existing funds with CSA ($70,000).
3. Provide direction to staff on which, if any, parking enforcement policy options are desired for further analysis and/or implementation:
a. Use current tools with enha...
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