South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53-Various Actions
Recommended Action
Acting in its capacity as Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community:
1. Appropriate and transfer $3,625,000 from the Sea Level Rise Reserve in the Shoreline Regional Park Community Fund to the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing the project budget from $4,975,000 to $8,600,000.
2. Approve plans and specifications for the Bay Trail Improvements at Pond A2W (a subproject of South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53) and authorize staff to advertise the project for bids.
3. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to award a construction contract to the lowest responsible responsive bidder if the low bid is within the project budget of $8,600,000.
4. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to execute an Agreement for Sale of Mitigation Credits with San Francisco Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank for 0.1 acre of wetland mitigation credit and 0.05 acre of other waters mitigation credit to meet the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board mitigation requirements for the Bay Trail Improvements at Pond A2W, under South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, in a not-to-exceed amount of $345,000.
5. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with GHD, Inc., a California corporation (Entity No. 2889127), for South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing compensation by $1,200,000 for additional design services, for a total amount not to exceed $1,800,000.
6. Authorize the Community Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with Marina Construction Management, Inc., a California corporation (Entity No. 6081240), for South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Project 18-53, increasing compensation by $432,680 for additional construction engineering services, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $680,000.