Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers and Video Conference, 500 Castro St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Actions Actions  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 20241210_Item 6.1 Correspondence (Batch 1), Council Questions, 20241210_Item 4.7 Correspondence (Batch 1), 20241210_Item 4.10 Correspondence (Batch 1), 20241210_Item 6.1 Correspondence (Batch 2), 20241210_Item 5 Correspondence (Batch 1)
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
204771 2.1Closed SessionConference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of litigation pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) (1 potential case)  Not available Not available
204778 3.1PresentationProclamation for Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo  Not available Not available
204836 3.2PresentationLAMV Community Foundation Update  Not available Not available
204809 4.1Consent CalendarApprove Minutes  Not available Not available
204200 4.2Consent CalendarEliminate Minimum Parking Standards for Residential Uses in Article X (Parking and Loading) of Chapter 36 (Zoning) of the City Code and the P(19) Downtown Precise Plan, P(38) El Camino Real Precise Plan, P(40) San Antonio Precise Plan, and P(41) East Whisman Precise Plan (Second Reading)  Not available Not available
204755 4.3Consent CalendarAmendment to Transient Occupancy Tax Ordinance (Second Reading)  Not available Not available
203782 4.4Consent CalendarUpdates to Council Policy A-15, Ticket Distribution Policy  Not available Not available
204681 4.5Consent CalendarRevised Salary Plans for Regular and Hourly Employees for Fiscal Year 2024-25  Not available Not available
204354 4.6Consent CalendarCertification of Official Election Returns - November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election  Not available Not available
204784 4.7Consent CalendarSenior Advisory Committee Review and Term of Service  Not available Not available
204352 4.8Consent CalendarPublic Art Approval for Shoreline Boathouse Expansion, Project 20-39  Not available Not available
203877 4.9Consent CalendarFiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Compliance Reports for Development Impact Fees and Capacity Charges, and Informational Reporting of Park Land Dedication Fee  Not available Not available
204513 4.10Consent CalendarNeighborhood Traffic Management Program-Wasatch Drive  Not available Not available
204628 4.11Consent CalendarApplication for State Funding - Prohousing Incentive Program, Round 3  Not available Not available
204638 4.12Consent CalendarAmend Professional Services Agreements for Outside Building Plan Checking and Inspection Services  Not available Not available
204665 4.13Consent CalendarSB-1 Streets Project (Castro Street Curb Ramp Improvements), Project 20-30-Various Actions  Not available Not available
204692 4.14Consent Calendar779 East Evelyn Avenue, 855-1023 West El Camino Real, 2019 Leghorn Street, and Plymouth/Alta/Huff/Joaquin Improvements-Public Improvements  Not available Not available
204693 4.15Consent CalendarCuesta Park Fitness Court, Project 21-57-Construction Acceptance  Not available Not available
204775 6.1New BusinessPublic Safety Advisory Board Review and Term of Service  Not available Not available