Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/26/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Video Conference with No Physical Meeting Location
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Item 4.5 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 4.5 Correspondence Batch 2, Item 4.6 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 4.5 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 3, Item 6.2 Correspondence Batch 1, Council Questions, Item 4.8 Correspondence Batch 1
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
201813 2.1Closed SessionConference with Labor Negotiators (ยง54957.6) -- Agency Designated Representatives: City of Mountain View Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer Audrey Seymour Ramberg, Human Resources Director Sue Rush, and Charles Sakai, Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong LLP; Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 521; the EAGLES Association; the Police Officers Association (POA); the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), Local 1965; Unrepresented Fire Managers; Unrepresented Police Managers; Unrepresented Department Heads; and Unrepresented Confidential Employees  Action details Not available
201874 3.1PresentationOath of Office for City Attorney Jennifer Logue  Action details Not available
201783 3.2PresentationTeen Week Proclamation  Action details Not available
201995 4.1Consent CalendarApprove Minutes  Action details Not available
201891 4.2Consent CalendarAdopt an Ordinance to Enact Campaign Contribution Limits, Amend Campaign Finance Reporting and Disclosure Requirements, and Repeal Political Sign Regulations (Second Reading)voted Action details Not available
201774 4.3Consent CalendarAmendments to the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance to Apply to Mobile Home Tenants (Second Reading)  Action details Not available
201907 4.4Consent CalendarAdopt a Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to Fund Recycled Water Expansion Projects  Action details Not available
201682 4.5Consent CalendarMiramonte Avenue Improvements, Project 20-01-Authorize Professional Services Agreement  Action details Not available
201771 4.6Consent CalendarIntersection Traffic Signal System-Major Replacement and Upgrades (Shoreline Boulevard/Latham Street-Church Street), Projects 17-27, 19-27, 20-27, and 21-27-Various Actions  Action details Not available
201817 4.7Consent CalendarFiscal Year 2021-22 Third Quarter Budget Status Report and Fiscal Year 2022-23 Preliminary General Operating Fund Forecast Update  Action details Not available
201868 4.8Consent CalendarPlanned and Emergency Facilities Projects, Projects 18-18 and 20-18, Recycling Center Building Retrofit-Various Actions  Action details Not available
201925 4.9Consent CalendarCivic Center Infrastructure, Phase I, Project 20-54, City Hall Locker Room Renovation, and Metal Beam Guardrail Installation, Project 19-58-Accept Construction  Action details Not available
201936 4.10Consent Calendar2005 Rock Street-Accept Public Improvements  Action details Not available
201947 4.11Consent CalendarAppointment to Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee  Action details Not available
201961 4.12Consent CalendarApprove a Midyear Capital Improvement Project-Shoreline Sailing Lake Pump Replacement  Action details Not available
201627 6.1Public HearingFunding Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Action Planvoted Action details Not available
201800 6.2Public HearingOrdinance Approving a Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition, and Use Policyvoted Action details Not available