Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/12/2022 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Video Conference with No Physical Meeting Location
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Item 3.1 Correspondence Batch 1.pdf, Item 4.3 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 8.1 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 1, Item 3.1 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, Item 4.1_Amended.pdf, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, Item 3.1 Correspondence Batch 4.pdf, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, Item 8.1 Correspondence Batch 2, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 3, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 4.pdf, Council Questions, Item 3.1 Correpondence Batch 5.pdf, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 5.pdf, Item 8.1 Correspondence Batch 3.pdf, Item 3.1 Correspondence Batch 6, Item 8.2 Correspondence Batch 6, Item 3.1 Corresponence Batch 3.pdf, Item 6.1 Correspondence Batch 3, Item 8.2 Attachment 2 Exhibit B.pdf
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
201676 3.1Study SessionFiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program  Action details Not available
201966 3.1PresentationNational Volunteer Appreciation Week Proclamation  Action details Not available
201963 4.1Consent CalendarApprove Minutes  Action details Not available
201948 4.2Consent CalendarAB 361 Resolution to Continue Remote Public Meetings During State of Emergency  Action details Not available
201667 4.3Consent CalendarText Amendments to Chapter 28 (Subdivisions) and Chapter 36 (Zoning) of the City Code to Implement California Senate Bill 9 and Other Minor Text Amendments (Second Reading)  Action details Not available
201673 4.4Consent CalendarFinal 2019 and Preliminary 2020 Community Greenhouse Gas Inventories  Action details Not available
201728 4.5Consent CalendarHistoric Preservation Ordinance and Historic Register Update: Scope of Work and Consultant Contractvoted Action details Not available
201886 4.6Consent CalendarMidyear Capital Improvement Program Project and Cost-Share Agreement with Mountain View Whisman School District for Crittenden Middle School Parking Lot Repaving  Action details Not available
201892 4.7Consent CalendarFire Department Fleet Replacement Midyear CIP Projectvoted Action details Not available
201896 4.8Consent CalendarAmend Professional Services Agreement with Tanner Pacific, Inc., for Construction Engineering Services  Action details Not available
201899 4.9Consent Calendar535 Walker Drive, 400 San Antonio Road-Accept Public Improvements  Action details Not available
201906 4.10Consent CalendarFees for Level 3 Electric Vehicle Chargers  Action details Not available
201959 4.11Consent CalendarAmendment to Contracts for Outside Plan Checking and Inspection Services  Action details Not available
201957 6.1Study Session1020 to 1040 Terra Bella Avenue  Action details Not available
201890 7.1New BusinessIntroduction of an Ordinance to Enact Campaign Contribution Limits, Amend Campaign Finance Reporting and Disclosure Requirements, and Repeal Political Sign Regulationsvoted Action details Not available
201763 8.1Public HearingAmendments to the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance to Apply to Mobile Home Tenantsvoted Action details Not available
201621 8.2Public HearingCommercial Development at 590 Castro Street  Action details Not available