Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/13/2021 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Video Conference with No Physical Meeting Location
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Minutes Proposed Edits 04.13.21.pdf, 4.13.21 Council Correspondence Batch 1.pdf, April 13, 2021 Council Questions.pdf, April 13, 2021 Council Questions - Part 2 (Agenda Items 4.8 and 6.1).pdf, Postcard Survey Packet - April 10 2019 - Agenda Item 4.3.pdf, 4.13.21 Council Correspondence Batch 2.pdf, 4.13.21 Council Correspondence Batch 3.pdf, 4.13.21 Council Correspondence Batch 4.pdf
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
200922 2.1Closed SessionConference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code Section 54957.6) - Agency Designated Representatives: City of Mountain View Assistant City Manager Audrey Seymour Ramberg, Human Resources Director Sue Rush and Charles Sakai - Sloan Sakai Yeung and Wong LLP; Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 521; the EAGLES Association; the Police Officers Association (POA); the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), Local 1965; Unrepresented Fire Managers; Unrepresented Police Managers; Unrepresented Department Heads; and Unrepresented Confidential Employees  Action details Not available
201017 2.2Closed SessionConference with Legal Counsel-Formally Initiated Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9); Name of case: City of Mountain View v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc., et al., Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Case No. 19CV352107  Action details Not available
200670 3.1Study SessionR3 (Multiple-Family Residential) Zoning District Update  Action details Not available
200914 3.1PresentationNational Volunteer Appreciation Week Proclamation  Action details Not available
201025 3.2PresentationCertificate of Recognition to Kammy Lo in Recognition of Cal Cities Women's Caucus Women of Persistence 2021 Award  Action details Not available
200929 3.3PresentationCOVID-19 Update by City Manager Kimbra McCarthy  Action details Not available
  4.1Consent CalendarApprove Minutes  Action details Not available
201030 4.2Consent CalendarPark Land Dedication or Fees In Lieu Thereof Ordinance Amendments (Second Reading)  Action details Not available
200453 4.3Consent CalendarStreet Reconstruction Project (Park Drive, Park Court, and Sonia Way), Project 19-48-Appropriate and Transfer Funds, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Authorize Bidding  Action details Not available
200872 4.4Consent CalendarAppointments to the Public Safety Advisory Board and Rental Housing Committee  Action details Not available
200919 4.5Consent CalendarResolutions Temporarily Suspending Certain Requirements for Sidewalk Café License Renewals Pursuant to Mountain View City Code Section 36.42 and Waiving Sidewalk Café License Renewal Fee Payments Payable May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2022 to Facilitate a Consistent Outdoor Dining Program in the Downtown Area and Extending the Castro Street Closure  Action details Not available
200924 4.6Consent CalendarAuthorization of Two Midyear Capital Improvement Program Projects-525 East Evelyn Park and 1720 Villa Park  Action details Not available
200933 4.7Consent CalendarAnnual Water and Sewer Main Replacements, Projects 19-21 and 19-22, and Miramonte Avenue Water Main Replacement, Project 21-21-Authorize Design Services  Action details Not available
200948 4.8Consent CalendarLot 12 - Appropriation of Predevelopment Funding  Action details Not available
200965 4.9Consent CalendarApprove Site License Agreement and Construction at Shoreline Amphitheatre  Action details Not available
200968 4.10Consent CalendarSan Antonio Mini-Park, Project 20-48-Approve Conceptual Plan and Select Name for Park  Action details Not available
200969 4.11Consent CalendarAmend Engineering Services Contract with Telstar Instruments, Inc.  Action details Not available
200998 4.12Consent CalendarSan Antonio Water Main Replacement, Project 21-21-Approve Emergency Project and Authorize Bidding  Action details Not available
201024 4.13Consent CalendarLive Nation Lease Amendment and LifeMoves Parking License Agreement  Action details Not available
200411 6.1Public HearingMinor General Plan, Precise Plan, and Zoning Amendments  Action details Not available
200527 6.2Public HearingIntroduce an Ordinance Prohibiting Possession of Firearms on City Property  Action details Not available
200852 6.3Public Hearing1255 Pear Avenue  Action details Not available