Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/25/2019 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, 500 Castro St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Responses to Council Questions 20190625, Item 4.1 - Revised Draft Minutes 20190624
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsMedia Column
190170 3.1PresentationProclamation in Recognition of City Attorney Jannie L. Quinn on Her Retirement  Action details Media Media
190240 4.1Consent CalendarApprove Meeting Minutes  Action details Not available
190218 4.2Consent CalendarAdopt Resolutions Governing Employee Compensation for All Employee Groups and Modifying the City’s Salary Plans  Action details Not available
190180 4.3Consent CalendarAmendments to Cannabis Business Regulations (Second Reading)approved Action details Not available
190440 4.4Consent CalendarOrdinance Amending Section 19.70.1 of the Mountain View City Code Related to the Parking of Vehicles that Discharge Domestic Sewage on the Public Right-of-Way (Second Reading)  Action details Not available
190300 4.5Consent CalendarBelow-Market-Rate Housing Program Phase 2 Modifications (Second Reading)  Action details Not available
190433 4.6Consent CalendarRecycled Water Feasibility Study Update, Project 18-71-Approve Resolution Authorizing Grant Application and Amending Contract  Action details Not available
190409 4.7Consent CalendarAmendment to Education Enhancement Reserve Joint Powers Agreement  Action details Not available
190426 4.8Consent CalendarPlymouth Street to Space Park Way Realignment, Project 20-40-Authorize Professional Design Services Agreement  Action details Not available
190430 4.9Consent CalendarCharleston Slough Improvement-Feasibility Study, Project 17-31-Authorize Professional Design Services Contract  Action details Not available
190431 4.10Consent Calendar2018-19 Street Resurfacing and Slurry Seal Program, Project 19-01- Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Bids  Action details Not available
190432 4.11Consent CalendarCharleston Road Crossing at Permanente Creek Trail, Project 14-38-Amend Project Budget, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Authorize Bidding  Action details Not available
190434 4.12Consent CalendarCenter for the Performing Arts (CPA) MainStage Catwalk & Balcony Rail, Project 18-40  Action details Not available
190436 4.13Consent CalendarRengstorff Park Tennis Courts Resurfacing, Project 19-26-Amend Project Budget, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Authorize Bidding  Action details Not available
190439 4.14Consent CalendarCharleston Road Improvements, Feasibility Study, Project 16-59-Amend Project and Approve Reimbursement Agreement  Action details Not available
190442 4.15Consent CalendarAmendment to Contract with The Cadmus Group LLC  Action details Not available
190441 4.16Consent CalendarShoreline Golf Links Fiscal Year 2018-19 Year-End Balance  Action details Not available
190399 4.17Consent CalendarDowntown Precise Plan Update  Action details Not available
190429 4.18Consent CalendarEngineering Services Contract with Telstar Instruments, Inc.  Action details Not available
190435 4.19Consent CalendarRengstorff Park Community Center, Construction, Project 17-32-Authorize Professional Services Agreement  Action details Not available
190254 7.1New BusinessUrgency Ordinance Establishing a Temporary Moratorium on Shared Mobility Devices in the City of Mountain Viewadopted Action details Media Media
190403 7.2New BusinessFormation of a Council Subcommittee to Consider Revisions to the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA)approved Action details Media Media
190035 8.1Study SessionPublic Draft of East Whisman Precise Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report  Action details Media Media