Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground, Project 18-36, and Rengstorff Park Maintenance and Tennis Building Replacement, Project 21-48--Various Actions
Recommended Action
1. Transfer and appropriate $540,000 from the Park Land Dedication Fund to Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground, Project 18-36. (Five votes required)
2. Authorize the City Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with Tanner Pacific, Inc., a California corporation (Entity No. 3876190), for Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground, Project 18-36, and Rengstorff Park Maintenance and Tennis Building Replacement, Project 21-48, to increase the compensation by $150,000 for additional construction engineering services for a total not-to-exceed amount of $900,000.
3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to amend the construction contract with Robert A. Bothman, Inc., for Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground, Project 18-36, and Rengstorff Park Maintenance and Tennis Building Replacement, Project 21-48, to increase compensation by $575,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $11,799,382, including a $1,080,908 construction contingency.