File #: 204899   
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 3/13/2025
Title: Toyota Dealership/Service Center at 2249-2283, 2319-2325, and 2385 Old Middlefield Way and 775 Independence Avenue
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. ATT 1 - Resolution, 3. ATT 2 - Appellant Letter, 4. ATT 3 - Toyota Appeal Response Letter, 5. ATT 4 - Plan Set, 6. ATT 5 - Administrative Zoning Hearing Documents, December 18, 2024, 7. ATT 6 - Final Findings Report from Admininstrative Zoning Hearing, 8. ATT 7 - Administrative Zoning Hearing Agenda, December 18, 2024, 9. ATT 8 - CEQA Compliance Checklist - Class 32 Exemption, 10. ATT 9 - Arborist Report, 11. ATT 10 - Queuing Analysis, 12. ATT 11 - Public Comment Received After the Administrative Zoning Hearing


Toyota Dealership/Service Center at 2249-2283, 2319-2325, and 2385 Old Middlefield Way and 775 Independence Avenue

Recommended Action

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Upholding the Zoning Administrator’s Environmental Determination and Approval of a Development Review Permit to Remove Two Commercial/Industrial Buildings, Including a Vacant 8,450 Square Foot Auto Service and Repair Building and a 14,880 Square Foot Office/Industrial Building, and Construct a New Two-Story, 39,399 Square Foot Automobile Dealership with Auto Service, Parts, and Repair Facility for Toyota; and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to Remove 80 Heritage Trees (Including a Hedge of 61 Small Redwood Trees that Meet the Definition of Heritage Trees) on a 2.4-Acre Site at 2249-2283 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-034), 2319-2325 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-033), 2385 Old Middlefield Way (APN 147-12-061), and 775 Independence Avenue (APN 147-12-060), and Finding the Project to be Exempt from Review Under the California Environmental Quality Act, Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15332, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).