New Residential Development at 525, 531, 555, 565, 569, and 769 East Evelyn Avenue
Recommended Action
1. Adopt a Resolution Certifying the 555 East Evelyn Avenue Residential Project Final Environmental Impact Report, CEQA Findings, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).
2. Adopt a Resolution Approving a General Plan Map Amendment for the Properties Located at 525, 531, 555, 565, 569, and 769 East Evelyn Avenue from General Industrial and Medium-Density Residential to High-Density Residential, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 2 to the Council report).
3. Introduce an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Text Amendment to the R4 (High-Density) Section of the Zoning Ordinance, to be read in title only, and set a second reading for May 14, 2019 (Attachment 3 to the Council report).
4. Introduce an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Map Amendment for the Properties Located at 525, 531, 555, 565, 569, and 769 East Evelyn Avenue from the P-30 (Sylvan-Dale) Precise Plan and R3-2.2 (Multiple-Family Residential) District to the R4 (High-Density Residential) District, to be read in title only, and set a second reading for May 14, 2019 (Attachment 4 to the Council report).
5. Adopt a Resolution Conditionally Approving a Planned Community Permit and Development Review Permit to Construct a 471-Unit Apartment Complex with Below-Grade Parking, Relocate a Wireless Communications Installation, and Dedicate a 0.68-Acre Public Park, and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to Remove 16 Heritage Trees, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 5 to the Council report).
6. Adopt a Resolution Conditionally Approving a Vesting Preliminary Parcel Map to Reconfigure the Existing Lot Lines, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 6 to the Council report).