Modifications to Grant/Phyllis/Martens Intersection, Project 15-31-Amend Budget and Award Construction Contract, Approve the Acquisition of Easement Rights from 1549 Grant Road (APN 197-41-069) and Adopt a Resolution of Necessity and Authorize the Initiation of Eminent Domain Proceedings for the Acquisition of Easement Rights from 152 Martens Avenue (APN 197-41-060).
Recommended Action
1. Transfer and appropriate $1,200,000 from the Construction/Conveyance Tax Fund to Modifications to Grant/Phyllis/Martens Intersection, Project 15-31. (Five votes required)
2. Award the construction contract for Modifications to Grant/Phyllis/Martens Intersection, Project 15-31, to Redgwick Construction Company of Oakland, California, for the low bid price of $1,332,697 and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract.
3. Approve the acquisition of easement rights from a portion of real property located at 1549 Grant Road (APN 197-41-069) and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all documents and take all necessary actions related to the acquisition of the easement rights.
4. Adopt a Resolution of Necessity Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Easement Rights from a portion of a real property located at 152 Martens Avenue (APN 197-41-060) and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 2 to the Council report). (Five votes required)
5. Authorize the City Attorney to take all steps necessary to commence legal proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to acquire easement rights from 152 Martens Avenue (APN 197-41-060) by eminent domain, if necessary.